Proven Methods. Personalized Service. Sleep at Last.

Toddler & Big Kid

You will overcome:

Frequent night waking
Having to be helped back to sleep in the night
Naps that last 45 minutes or less
Naps that have to be taken with someone
Co sleeping but wanting your toddler to sleep in a crib
Feeling exhausted and frazzled with a tired baby

Your child has their own personality, concerns, and preferences. While other sleep services treat all moms and kids the same, my program is designed to address the complex sleep issues that many toddlers and families face.

Cutting out bad habits like bed-sharing and staying up past bedtime requires patience and nuance, which is why we’ll collaborate with you to build a customized plan for your situation. Toddlerhood is a time of transition –– your little one is growing and exploring all the time –– but they still need your guidance and support when it comes to healthy sleep.

By signing up today, you’ll learn key skills that will allow you to transform your family’s routine and set your little one up for night after night of sound, restful sleep. From feeding best practices to teaching independent sleep skills, I’ll be with you every step of the way!


package includes:


Introductory Questionnaire

To fully understand your child and your situation, we’ll get started with a thorough preliminary evaluation before your first session. This way, we can hit the ground running and make the most of our time together!


Initial Private Consultation

During this get-together, we’ll discuss the most pressing issues on your mind, and go over strategies for dealing with common pain points around nap times and night wakings. 


Implementing Your Sleep Plan

Once I have everything I need, I will work with you to develop a customized sleep routine that you can begin to implement right away!


Four telephone support calls

Schedule up to four support phone calls with me to review best practices, bring up questions or concerns, or find ways to address a specific problem. Remember, I’m here to help you!


Three weeks of unlimited Email support

I’ll share my private email address with you so you can access me when you need assistance. 


Looking Ahead

At the end of our sessions, I’ll share some parting advice that will help you prepare for your child’s developing sleep patterns and correct any abnormal habits before they form.