Meet Whitney

A Little about me

Let’s Work Together!

Hi! I’m Whitney Weber, and my passion is working with parents to empower them to create effective sleep solutions for their children and their families. 

Helping your little one get quality sleep can be a tremendous struggle, and given the numerous articles, videos, programs, and books on the subject –– it can feel like an overwhelming task just to figure out how to get started. 

That’s why I streamline the entire process to focus on you and your family’s situation. I’m a believer that the only real sleep solutions are custom sleep solutions, and that informs everything I do. 

What Makes Me Different?

Not only am I a certified Sleep Sense Consultant, but I’m a parent just like you! I have two beautiful little girls, and I know just what it feels like to wake up at 3 A.M. to soothe a crying baby. I’ve felt the frustration, the guilt, and the fatigue that comes with sleepless nights, and that’s why I love helping parents find their perfect sleep solutions. 

I bring both my expertise and my personal experience to the table. You can trust me because I know the technical aspects of sleep training, as well as how to make them function in the real world. 

What’s in it For You?

In short: deep, blissful sleep for the whole family. I’ll teach you the essentials of sleep training –– from forming good habits with newborns to tackling complex challenges with toddlers and big kids. Sleep is the foundation of good health and happiness, and when your child is tired and frustrated, it will affect every aspect of familial life. I’ll help you get the results you and your family need. 

Where do I Sign Up?

Right here! Click on the link below to schedule your initial consultation and we’ll get started right away!

So looking forward to meeting you!

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Do I Believe in “Cry it Out”?

I get questions all the time about whether or not I subscribe to the “cry-it-out” method. I find that very few parents are comfortable closing the door on their child and ignoring them for (sometimes) hours on end while they cry and wail. I’m not comfortable with it either. 

Instead, I’m a believer in RIE (Resources of Infant Educarers) parenting. Every child is a unique individual, and they deserve to be heard and acknowledged by their parents. By focusing on observation and empathy, I believe that parents can more effectively address their child’s needs. 

That’s not to say there won’t be some tears along the way. Any time you attempt to change a child’s routine, environment, or behavior, some frustration is to be expected. 

Rather than ignoring the tears, though, I can teach you how to comfort your child in a constructive way. To do so, draw from a variety of techniques in creating sleep plans specifically for your situation.

My program is not a cookie-cutter approach with fixed schedules.  These methods set parents up to fail and are more frustrating than they are productive. I know from personal experience just how disappointing it can be to fall behind a textbook’s recommendations, or to feel as if you’re not making adequate progress compared to others. When you work with me, I’ll tailor a plan for you –– no unrealistic expectations, no judgements on progress.

I can teach you the parenting skills to solve your little one’s current sleep issues, as well as manage sleep challenges that may occur later as your child grows.

Let’s work together today to set your child up for success tomorrow!